At Pocklington Church of England VC Infant School we follow The Church of England’s recommendations for the teaching of Relationship Education. Our intent is to have a faith-sensitive and inclusive approach underpinned by two key biblical passages:
So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them. (Genesis I:27, NRSV)
I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness. (John 10:10, GNB)
In our school “Everyone will be treated with dignity as all people are made in the image of God and loved equally by God. All pupils have a right to an education which enables them to flourish and is set in a learning community where differences of lifestyle and opinion (within that which is permissible under UK law) are treated with dignity and respect; bullying of all kinds is eliminated; and where they are free to be themselves and fulfil their potential without fear” (CofE).
Our Relationship Education scheme of work enables pupils to meet the requirements set out in the statutory guidance and EYFS Framework.
In 2020, parents were consulted and their views were taken into consideration when selecting resources used to teach the requirements of relationship education. Relationships education is taught through our PSHE curriculum ‘Heart Smart’, using cross-curricular links (e.g. online safety via the computing curriculum) and in the spring term through the Growing Up Safe curriculum from Big Talk Education.
In Nursery: Children are taught the differences between boys and girls, naming body parts with the correct scientific words, what areas of the body are private, and the difference between good touches and bad touches.
In Reception and Year 1: Children are taught to identify safe situations and those which may be risky, like other children or adults taking improper photographs of them. They should be able to identify trusted adults (both at home and school) who they can talk to if they feel worried. Within this age group they should understand about different types of families, including those with same-sex parents. The emphasis is on all different types of families.
In Year 2: Children gain an understanding of the importance of boundaries within friendships and personal relationships is important, including online and through technologies such as mobile phones and games. They should know what films, programmes and online content they should and shouldn’t be watching, in addition to who to tell, if someone encourages them to watch inappropriate content (this can be a grooming tactic).
Circle time, led by out school Emotional Learning Support Assistant (ELSA) supports the teaching and learning of RSHE. At-risk children also receive individual or small group support from the ELSA.
RSHE is an important part of our curriculum, it provides an opportunity for children to learn and practice the skills they need to become ‘happy children, loving learning’.
The key elements of the National Curriculum’s programme of study for RSHE and EYFS framework have been organised to ensure that children gain more and more knowledge as they progress from our Nursery or Reception through to the end of Year 2. Teachers are aware that planning must always have an eye on longer-term learning and the part that knowledge-building plays in this.
Key Documents
Please see our policies page for the RSHE policy by clicking this link