Visits & Visitors

We believe that learning outside of the classroom is an important part of your child’s educational experience.  We link our educational visits to our curriculum. We take great care of our children when we go out of school. Parents are fully informed of the visits and are asked to sign a consent form for local visits, and for visits involving coach travel give consent via ParentPay. We ask parents for voluntary contribution to cover the costs of trips, if insufficient donations are recieved the trip may be cancelled.

2023-24 visits and visitors

This year we have had visits to Burnby Hall, the Post Office, York Minster, Pearson Street Mosque in Hull, Welton Waters and the Yorkshire Arboretum. We have had visitors coming to teach us about Diwali, Judaism, Chinese New Year, Islam, and Konnakol drumming. Nursery and Reception have had a visit from Purple Pig Farm, and a Road Safety day. Year 1 will have a virtual Synagogue visit. Members of the local community have visited Year 2 to talk about their school experiences. Pupils have helped ‘Greener Pocklington’ with tasks around the school grounds. We had a visit from a Poet as part of our World Book Day celebrations, and we are planning Artist workshops in the summer term.

A planned visit to the Hull Synagogue was cancelled by the Synagogue.

2022-23 visits

Year 2 visit’s to York Minster was cancelled as we had insufficient voluntary contributions / parental permissions to go ahead.

Year 2 went to the Pearson Street Mosque, Hull. 

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 went to Burnby Hall Gardens

Year 2 went to Pocklington Methodist Church

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 went to Three Hagges Woodmeadow

Nursery have visited the post office

Year 2 went to Welton Waters for a teambuilding and water adventure day.

Donations for school visits and visitors

All our work is based around themes and as part of the work we may have an educational visit or visitor.  We will then ask you for a voluntary contribution towards the cost.  If we have insufficient funds to cover the cost the visit/visitor may have to be cancelled.  We endeavour to keep the cost of visits as low as possible.