School Uniform

The school uniform is as follows:

  • Blue or red sweatshirts and cardigans with school logo,
  • Blue, red or white polo shirts
  • Black or grey trousers, skirts, pinafores or shorts,
  • Blue or red gingham or striped summer dresses (optional)
  • Shoes suitable for outdoor play
  • Blue or red book bag

Schoolshop is our nominated sole supplier for branded items but generic items can be purchased from lower cost outlets. The school also holds a small amount of second hand uniform and holds regular second hand uniform sales. Pupils eligible for pupil premium funding can request a £25 school uniform voucher

PE is an essential part of the curriculum. Pupils in Year 1 and 2 should wear their PE Kit to school on their designated PE days

  • PE uniform is white t-shirt with navy/black shorts. 
  • Plain (non branded) blue/black or grey tracksuit bottoms /hoody can be worn when the weather is cold or school uniform sweatshirt/cardigan.
  • Plimsolls or trainers.

Nursery and Reception do not need a PE Kit – but should bring wellies and waterproofs to school for outdoor play.

Please name all your child’s uniform.

Jewellery – watches, stud earrings – which must be removed (by the child) or taped over for P.E..