We actively promote British Values in school to ensure pupils leave our school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, race and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.
How do we achieve this?
Democracy | Election of pupil leaders e.g. school council Classroom leadership roles Talk about people who help us Express our views and opinions e.g. PSHE lessons, RE lessons, pupil voice |
Rule of Law | Learn our school values and behaviours Follow online safety and personal safety guidelines Visits from police to help reinforce the responsibilities we all have and the consequences of not following the rules Exploring right and wrong, co-operation, individual and shared responsibility |
Individual Liberty | Making informed choices in a safe and supportive environment with clear boundaries e.g. behaviour, rewards, online safety, NSPCC assemblies, making their own lunch choices, participation in clubs Celebrating individualism e.g. celebration assemblies Transition events Children are encouraged to be autonomous, they are given ownership of their learning. Children have next steps shared with them, verbally or written feedback enables them to know what they can do to progress. |
Mutual Respect | Welcoming visitors to our school Learning about friendship and how to get along Learning about our school values, including ‘respect’ Learning about protected characterisitics Safeguarding ourselves and others e.g. online safety Learn about other cultures, religions and beliefs Having the opportunity to express our own views and beliefts Looking after our school environment |
Tolerance | Explore a range of cultures through RE, assemblies and educational visits Promote diversity through our celebrations of faiths, different cultures, stories and shared experiencs RE and PSHE lessons Daily acts of worship and assemblies Visits from people of different faiths, and visiting different places of worship |