Collective Worship

Collective Worship in a Church of England VC schools, reflects the Anglican tradition and is collective (open and invitational to all faiths and none) rather than corporate (as you would have in a church where the gathering of people is of one faith).  

All children and teaching staff take part in daily Collective Worship which is planned around the school’s chosen values as well as the main celebrations in the Christian calendar. However there is always flexibility to consider and reflect on current issues.   Through Collective Worship our children are beginning to understand the distinctive features of Anglican practice and the centrality of prayer in worship. Our daily Worship plays a very important part of school life.  

Collective Worship is led by Dr Bartram, class teachers, Reverends Belder, Broadhurst from All Saints Church and Rev Wilson from Christ Presbyterian Church. In January 2024, we had a visit from the Archbishop of York and he led a collective worship – wearing a Tea Cozy on his head! After his visit he recalled a conversation he had with our Year 2 children on Radio 2 Pause For Thought.

We begin each collective worship with a greeting and response ‘The Lord is here’  ‘His spirit is with us’ and light candles.  We close our worship with ‘Go in peace to love and serve the Lord’ ‘In he name of Christ. Amen.’   

Prayers is an important part of our collective worship. Pupils also say prayers before lunch and at the end of the day.  Our end of School Day Prayer is ‘ Hands together softly so, little eyes shut tight.  Father just before we go, hear our prayer tonight.  We are all your children here, this is what we pray.  Keep us when the dark is near, and through every day. Amen’

 We use a range of resources to plan our collective worship including:  A Journey Through the Bible, Roots and Fruits, HeartSmart and Picture News.  Collective worship is either led by the headteacher or a member of the local clergy or a Community and Outreach LayWorker.  Class collective worships are led by the teachers.

To help us with Collective Worship we welcomed visits from OPEN THE BIBLE, who explore bible stories with the children.  We end each term with a Church service at All Saints that we invite parents and family members to attend.